Wednesday 15 March 2017

INDIVIDUAL BLOG POST #6: Protagonists - Compare & Contrast

Assessment Tool

Compare and contrast the protagonists in The House of the Scorpion and Gattaca. 

Step 1 (5-10 minutes): Prewrite
Take 5-10 minutes and do some pre-writing for the question. 

Step 2 (5 minutes): Consider...
  • differences
  • similarities
  • your notes on the novel and see if anything you have made note of helps you explore this idea
  • your knowledge on characterization (check your ELA notes)
  • how the creators used the aspects of characterization to DRIVE the narrative
Step 3 (10 minutes): Plan
Create and fill in your graphic organizer with your ideas and specific details. Make sure you do not just give a plot summary! Use specific events to jump into the larger ideas presented by Farmer, or connections you have made. Remember not to plan out 2000 words, as you can only publish 400!

Step 4:
Write your first draft!

Step 5:
After some time away from your first draft, edit carefully, making sure to look for your specific issues.

Step 6:
Publish on your personal litspiration blog, by the morning of Monday, March 20.

Some of you have asked for the epigraphs at the beginning of the film. Here they are:

Consider God's handiwork; who can straighten what He hath made crooked?" 
-Ecclesiastes 7:13

I not only think that we will tamper with Mother Nature, I think Mother wants us to.
-Willard Gaylin

Friday 10 March 2017

HARKNESS DISCUSSION #7: The Realities of Child Labour

Must be posted by the end of the double period.

Your SEVENTH Harkness discussion will be an opportunity for you to discuss child labour, as it is presented in the novel and exists in our world. This is your chance to make connections, demonstrate inquiry, and think critically about the author's choices. Your discussion may consider any events up to page 344, and the content contained in the resources below. 

Strategies for success include:
  • carefully explore the resources, and use them in your discussion
  • use your sticky notes in the novel to help you 
  • try to make connections to what you talked about in your last roundtables or blog posts, if relevant
  • think about how you can incorporate your knowledge of literary terms into this roundtable
  • use your inquiry skills to think critically and deeply; think outside the box!
Here are 3 resources, beyond the novel, that you should consult when preparing for this discussion. USE THEM!
ROLES:The moderator will ensure that the discussion stays focused, and can use the discussion questions he/she created.

The cartographer will map the discussion using the provided form. This map should be posted along with the discussion (take a picture!)

The recorder will use his/her computer (or an appropriate device of his/her choice) to record the discussion for her group. The recorder is also responsible for uploading the discussion to Soundcloud AND posting on the blog.


Your blog post (created and published by the recorder for each group) must include:

1. Recorded conversation embedded (If you need a refresher on how to do this, please ask Ms. G.!)

2. Copy of completed discussion map

Thursday 9 March 2017


For your final litspiration challenge for The Scorpion Project, your team will explore the theme presented in The House of the Scorpion. You may use the entire novel to help you explore this very important idea.  This will be due, and must be posted, by the end of class on Wednesday, March 15.

Here are the steps you should follow to complete this challenge:

Step 1 - Develop Theme Statement 
This must be approved by Ms G. before you get started on the actual project!

Step 2 - Fill In the Graphic Organizer

Step 3 - Review the Assessment Tool

Step 4 - Create!

Monday 6 March 2017


Due Friday, March 10
(You will have time today in class to work on this. Then it is up to you to write further drafts until you are ready to publish on Friday.)

*Don't forget to include a link to the your current event article at the end of your blog post!*

At the end of chapter 14, Celia tells her story to Matt. Then, Matt encounters the farm patrol in chapter 25. The reader learns of "coyotes" and the "farm patrol." While The House of the Scorpion is a work of fiction, this story has many connections to the real world. 

In this individual blog post you will explore a real-world connection to the issue of border patrol. Look for a newspaper article or video regarding the issues facing those attempting to enter a new country without following proper procedure. Consider the HUMAN aspect, rather than merely the legality. Why did Celia turn to a "coyote?" Why would anyone risk their life as Matt and Celia did?
Here are some steps to help you get started. Please note the suggested times, and do not get hung up on one step!

Step 1 (5-10 minutes):
Take 5-10 minutes and do some pre-writing for the question. You could also use this time to go through your notes on the novel and see if anything you have made note of helps you explore this idea.

Step 2: (10-15 minutes):
Find a current event that will aid in your deep exploration of this issue, and help you connect more deeply to the novel. Keep in mind your skills in determining valid sources.

Step 3 (5 minutes):
Now that you have found a current event, and you have some pre-writing, create a graphic organizer that will help you to organize your thoughts, and meet expectations and learning objectives.

Step 4 (10 minutes):
Fill in your graphic organizer, with your ideas and specific details. Make sure you do not just give a plot summary! Use specific events to jump into the larger ideas presented by Farmer, or connections you have made. Remember not to plan out 2000 words, as you can only publish 400!

Step 5:
Write your first draft!

Step 6:
After some time away from your first draft, edit carefully, making sure to look for your specific issues.

Step 7:
Publish on your personal litspiration blog, by the morning of Friday, March 10.


Must be posted by the end of the double period.


WHILE YOU ARE IN YOUR DISCUSSION, AVOID TALKING ABOUT THE PLOT ONLY. Discussing the plot is not deep inquiry: talk about the author's choices, and the deeper ideas the author is trying to communicate to her readers; in other words, engage in inquiry. Make predictions about future events. Make inferences about why the author does what she does. Use evidence to support your ideas. Ask questions. Dig deep!

ALSO, ENSURE THAT YOU ARE HAVING A DISCUSSION: respond to the ideas your peers are presenting. Ask a follow-up question. Disagree. Agree. Don't just talk: discuss, argue, demonstrate your deep thinking!

 Your fifth Harkness discussion will focus on the question: 

Where is empathy or sympathy present in the novel? Do you empathize or sympathize with any of the characters?

We watched this video to more deeply understand the differences between empathy and sympathy. Check it out again, share it with your community, and keep thinking about the power of empathy!

This discussion should address the novel up to page 259. Here are some strategies to help you be successful:
  • use your sticky notes to help you 
  • try to make connections to what you talked about in your last Harkness discussions
  • check out the strategies for success in the "assessment" section for guidance
  • think about how you can incorporate your knowledge of literary terms into this roundtable
  • use your inquiry skills to think critically and deeply; think outside the box!

ROLES:The moderator will ensure that the discussion stays focused, and can use the discussion questions he/she created.

The cartographer will map the discussion using the provided form. This map should be posted along with the discussion (take a picture!)

The recorder will use his/her computer (or an appropriate device of his/her choice) to record the discussion for her group. The recorder is also responsible for uploading the discussion to Soundcloud AND posting on the blog.


Your blog post (created and published by the recorder for each group) must include:

1. Recorded conversation embedded (If you need a refresher on how to do this, please ask Ms. G.!)

2. Copy of completed discussion map

This time, a different group will reflect on your Harkness discussion, and you will reflect on theirs. As you listen to their discussion, you will answer the following questions and post your answers as a comment on their Harkness Discussion 5 blog post:

1. On a scale of 1-5, rate how successful was this at being a discussion versus a question and answer period.

2. What advice do you have for this team's next discussion?

3. What is the timestamp of their deepest moment of inquiry?

Here is whose post you should explore and comment on:

This Book Stings comments on Scorpion Radical blog, and vice versa.
House of the Cyclone comments on The Scorpion Circle, and vice versa.
This House Stings comments on Scorpion Squad, and vice versa.

Operation Scorpion comments on The Scorpion House, and vice versa.
El Club del Escorpion comments on Scorpion and Company, and vice versa.
Spice Scorpion Squad comments on House Full of Poisonous Creatures, and vice versa.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

HARKNESS DISCUSSION #4: Your Connections

Must be posted by the end of the double period.
After you are done, you must complete the following:

1. As a team, complete the assessment tool for litspiration challenge 2.
2. Complete the VERY SHORT survey for Ms. G.
3. Work on individual blog post 4 (due Monday).

WHILE YOU ARE IN YOUR DISCUSSION, AVOID TALKING ABOUT THE PLOT ONLY. Discussing the plot is not deep inquiry: talk about the author's choices, and the deeper ideas the author is trying to communicate to her readers; in other words, engage in inquiry. Make predictions about future events. Make inferences about why the author does what she does. Use evidence to support your ideas. Ask questions. Dig deep!

ALSO, ENSURE THAT YOU ARE HAVING A DISCUSSION: respond to the ideas your peers are presenting. Ask a follow-up question. Disagree. Agree. Don't just talk: discuss, argue, demonstrate your deep thinking!

Your fourth Harkness discussion will focus on the connections to the book you have made so far, up to page 229. 
  • use your sticky notes to help you 
  • try to make connections to what you talked about in your last Harkness discussions
  • check out the strategies for success in the "assessment" section for guidance
  • think about how you can incorporate your knowledge of literary terms into this roundtable
  • use your inquiry skills to think critically and deeply; think outside the box!
ROLES:The moderator will ensure that the discussion stays focused, and can use the discussion questions he/she created.

The cartographer will map the discussion using the provided form. This map should be posted along with the discussion (take a picture!)

The recorder will use his/her computer (or an appropriate device of his/her choice) to record the discussion for her group. The recorder is also responsible for uploading the discussion to Soundcloud AND posting on the blog.


Your blog post (created and published by the recorder for each group) must include:

1. Recorded conversation embedded (If you need a refresher on how to do this, please ask Ms. G.!)

2. Copy of completed discussion map

3. Completed reflection questions. (These should be discussed and completed together!)

1. How did we support quieter people during the discussion?

2. How did we support the more talkative people in the group?

3. What is the timestamp of our best moment of discussion, and why?

4. What is our main goal for our next discussion?

INDIVIDUAL BLOG POST #4: Matt's Worldview

Due Monday, March 6
You will have time today in class to work on this. 

What elements of worldview are most influential to Matt?

Here are some steps to help you get started.

Step 1: Pre-write
Maybe try non-stop writing again?

Step 2: Plan
Perhaps the graphic organizer you created for the last post would work for this one?

Step 3: Prepare
Remind yourself of expectations by reviewing the expectations and strategies for success in the assessment tool.

Step 4: Write
Write your first draft.

Step 5: Edit
Now that you have a first draft, take some time to EDIT it for conventions (spelling, typos, grammar, etc.). Use at least ONE of the editing strategies found at the bottom of the assessment tool!

Step 6: Revise
After looking for conventions issues, make sure your post is meeting expectations by once again consulting the assessment tool.

Step 7: Publish
Remember, this can be seen by ANYONE and EVERYONE, so make sure you have done your best work at this point!

Friday 24 February 2017


For your second litspiration challenge, your team will explore a character of your choice from The House of the Scorpion. (You may not explore Matt. :) ) You will focus on the information presented by Farmer in the first 177 pages. This is due, and must be posted, by the morning of Thursday, March 2.

Here are the steps you should follow to complete this challenge:

Step 1 (5 minutes): As a group, decide which of the following options you will use to demonstrate your knowledge of characterization. Good collaboration requires honesty, and compromise, so make sure you are doing both during this brief discussion:

Choice 1:
Character Instagram Account

Choice 2:
Character Playlist

Choice 3:
Character's Twitter Feed

Step 2 (15 minutes):  Work collaboratively, and fill out the graphic organizer. Review your ELA, etc. Notes to ensure that you understand what knowledge we are expecting you to demonstrate.

Step 3 (5 minutes): Review the assessment tool for this assignment, and discuss each area with your group.

Step 4 (5 minutes): Decide on how each of you will spend the rest of the class. In other words, what will you each be doing to get the project started and finished on time? 

Step 5 (rest of class time provided): Work hard to complete your activity as decided upon in step 4!

Step 6 (rest of class time provided): Publish your blog post that includes:

  • at least 7 strong examples of how you have demonstrated your knowledge of characterization through your challenge
  • brief explanations accompanying each artifact explaining how and what aspect(s) of characterization are being explored 
    • explanations should also include specific evidence from the novel, ideally direct quotations and page numbers; pull all of this from your completed graphic organizer