Wednesday, 1 March 2017

INDIVIDUAL BLOG POST #4: Matt's Worldview

Due Monday, March 6
You will have time today in class to work on this. 

What elements of worldview are most influential to Matt?

Here are some steps to help you get started.

Step 1: Pre-write
Maybe try non-stop writing again?

Step 2: Plan
Perhaps the graphic organizer you created for the last post would work for this one?

Step 3: Prepare
Remind yourself of expectations by reviewing the expectations and strategies for success in the assessment tool.

Step 4: Write
Write your first draft.

Step 5: Edit
Now that you have a first draft, take some time to EDIT it for conventions (spelling, typos, grammar, etc.). Use at least ONE of the editing strategies found at the bottom of the assessment tool!

Step 6: Revise
After looking for conventions issues, make sure your post is meeting expectations by once again consulting the assessment tool.

Step 7: Publish
Remember, this can be seen by ANYONE and EVERYONE, so make sure you have done your best work at this point!